Hotel Monte Triana is located close to the historic centre, in the emblematic Triana neighbourhood. It is the perfect base for a leisurely stroll through the streets, exploring the iconic sites, mingling with the locals, enjoying the local cuisine and admiring the distinctive architectural beauty of the city. Seville Cathedral, the Giralda and the Torre del Oro are all within a 20-minute walk.

The surroungings of the hotel


Location - Hotel Monte Triana


In Triana itself you can visit the following places:

Museum of  Ceramics - San Jorge Castle – Market of supplies – Parish of Our Lady of the O – Church of the Patrocinio (Cristo del Cachorro) - Chapel of the Sailors (Esperanza de Triana) - Chapel of the Estrella – Royal Parish of Santa Ana - Capillita del Carmen (Bridge of Triana) – Convent of the Mínimas – House of the Mensaque.

You can reach them on foot from the hotel.

Location - Hotel Monte Triana


Triana iis one  of the most peculiar, popular and most historic neighbourhoods in the city.

It is famous for its strong character and identiy.

It borders teh right bank of the Guadalquivir River and its most popular connection to the city is through the Triana Bridge, whose correct name is Puente de Isabell II.

The neighbourhood is well equipped with services and perfectly communicated, either through buses, underground or bicycle rental.

Location - Hotel Monte Triana


If we leave the hotel and turn left, we will find ourselves just a few metres from Castilla Street, on of the most important ones and where some of the best tapas bars in the neigbourhood are located.

This street will lead us to the Plaza del Antozano, epicentre if Triana and from which we can already accese the Bridge, to reach the city’s historic centre.

Location - Hotel Monte Triana


From Altozano we can comtemplate one of the most beautiful images of the city: the river in all its amplitude, the Plaza de Toros de la Real Maestranza, the Torre del Oro and in the backgroud, cut between the biuldings of the city, La Giralda and the Cathedral of Seville.

In the Altozano we also find the statue of the bullfighter Juna Belmonte, the prime example of the neirgbourhood in bullfighting, the monument to Flamenco, the Castle of San Jorge and the Capillita del Carmen.

Location - Hotel Monte Triana


Our location is so privileged, that if when leaving it we turn to the right we will end up reaching these aforementioned points through another very important road of Triana, Pages del Corro street, which ends up at San Jacinto. In Pages del Corro  we also find bars and shops.

The Triana neighbourhood has numerous tourist attractions, including the Churches of Nuestra Señora de la O, del Patrocinio (with the image of Cristo del Cachorro) and the Real Parroquia de Santa Ana, as well as the Museum of Ceramics.

Triana is also considered on of the cradles of flamenco.

Pottery and ceramics are typical and artisanal products of this wold-famous neigbourhood.

Location - Hotel Monte Triana


Icon of gothic Cathedrals, being the largest of this style in the word. We also find in the ranking of Christian temples at number 3, after St. Peter in Rome and St. Paul in London. It became a cathedral on November 23, 1248, after the conquest of Seville by Ferdinand III of Castile, previously it had been the aljama building or Major Mosque of the city.

It has one of the richest artistic treasures preserved in ecclesiastical fields and is considered on of the best art galleries is Spain. Inside, we can find important works of goldsmith art, decorative arts, aculptures, fabrics and stained glass windows that make a great museum that you definitely must visit. It is only a 22 minute stroll away from the Hotel Monte Triana Sevilla; a walk in which we will see different enclaves and monuments that we cannot miss.

Location - Hotel Monte Triana

The Giralda of Seville

The originality of the Giralda has served as inspiration to numerous towers in countries such as Russia, Poland and even the United States.


The construction of the Giralda, as a minaret dependent on the Main Mosque, of which we can currently contemplate the Patio de Los Naranjos, began to be built in Seville in 1184. The works were started by architect Ben Baso. The minaret had a height of 82 metres and was the tallest building in Europe in its time. The works concluded in 1198, with the placement of 4 gilded bronze balls at the top of the tower.

Location - Hotel Monte Triana


It is  a set of palaces surrounded by walls. Inside, it houses different styles, which have marked the passage of time: Islamic, Mudejar and Gothic.

Among the Renaissance contributions, it is worth mentioning the tile altar made by Francisco Niculoso Pisano in 1504 and the pictorial altarpiece, located in the Admiral’s room, dedicated to the Virgen de los Navegantes. This style also stands out in the so-called Salones de Carlos I, in the interior halls present magnificent collections of tapestries that represent the conquets of Tunisia by Charles I.

The upper floor of the building presents a strong influence on the part of the Bourbons, in the nineteenth century. these rooms were restored with nineteenth-century decorations with tapestries, glass lamps from la Granja, clocks, furniture and remarkable collection of paintings.

It was declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1987 and used as a setting in the famous “Game of Thrones”series, The Dorne Water Gardens.

Location - Hotel Monte Triana


World famous, it consists of an oval estuary crossed by four bridges, an elegant fountain predominates, which covers the centre of the square, two towers of identical composition, as well as, 48 banks representing the Spanish provinces by means of tiles from Triana. Seville, which has a mural, of Tenerife, are not represented, the latter was not yet considered a province during this time. The beautiful coffered ceilings of the square are remarkable, as well as the combination of the exposed brick of its structure with the tiles and various polychorme ceramics ornaments.

The Plaza de España looks towards the Guadalquivir River, as a way to go towards America, it has undergonen different restorations in which ceramic and cast iron lampposts have been recovered, trying to get back the image with which it was conceived by its author, Aníbal González, for the Exhibitions of 1929.

Location - Hotel Monte Triana


The Barrio de Santa Cruz in Seville is located in the heart of historic Seville, with its coffered ceilings, the narrow street of the Jewish quarter, squares planted with orage trees and many charming places to enjoy tapas or shopping.

The Jewish quarter of Seville settled in this area; it was subsequently forced to leave the city in 1483, although some remained in that neigbourhood. However, at the end of the nineteenth century, Santa Cruz went into decline and recovered its splendour only with the renovations promoted by the Ibero-American Exhibition of 1929, so visitors will find a network of alleys that reward passers-by with one picturesque corners.

Location - Hotel Monte Triana


Previously Convento de la Merced Calzada, founded after the conquest of Seville in 1248 by San Pedro Nolasco, it become the “Museo de Pinturas” in 1835, was inaugurated in 1841 and initially contained the works of art from the confiscation of convents and monasteries.

The collections are the result of confiscated ecclesiastical assets, donations and acquisitions from the public administration.

Sevillian painting and its orbit, emphasising the seventeenth century, in the museum’s main theme, although the museum has very diverse collections (paintings, sculptures, ceramics, jewellers, furniture, etc.).

Location - Hotel Monte Triana


The Plaza de Toros de la Real Maestranza de Caballería de Sevilla in the oldest in Spain. The bullfighting venue takes places as part of the Feria de Abril of Seville, one of the most visited by tourists. It is one of the toughets places in the world for bullfighters, for its determination and personality, as well as for its audience, possibly on eof the most critical among bullfighting fans.

Property of the Real Maestranza de Caballería. In certain Bullfighting environments it is considered the most important bullring in Spain: The Cathedral of Bullfighting. It is home to the Bullfighting Museum.

Location - Hotel Monte Triana


The Archivo de Indias contains documents of enormous value: 43.000 files, 80 million pages, 8.000 maps… Among them are the manuscript texts of Christopher Columbus of Magellan. The visiting space is used to explore world history without leaving Seville.

It was in the time of Phillp II when the Lonja de Sevilla was built to prevent merchants from using the staircase of the church for trade. The Casa Lonja de Mercaderes became the Public Archive of India in 1785, for logistical reasons and in the spirit of the Enlightenment. King Charles III decided to implement a large collection of historical documents in this building.

Location - Hotel Monte Triana


At number 1 of Bécquer Street, in the popular neirgbourhood of La Macarena, we find the world-famous Basilica of La Macarena, although its official name is The Basilica of Santa María de la Esperanza Macarena. The Catholic Temple in the headquarters building of the Brotherhood of Esperanza Macarena, which processions in the early morning of Good Friday walking through the city of Seville the images of María Santísima de la Esperanza Macarena and Nuestro Padre Jesús de la Sentencia. Its construction began en 1941, on April 13, Pedro Segura y Sáenz, Archbishop of Seville, blessed and laid the first stone of the temple. Once the work was completed in 1949, it was blessed on March 18 by the same archbishop; Queipo de Llano and Serafina Salcedo acted as patrons and it was consecrated by Cardinal José María Bueno, archbishop og the city, on bull conferred on it the dignity of Minor Basilica, granted on November 12 of the same year that its construction was completd. it is the first temple in the Andalusian capital to obtain such dignity.

Location - Hotel Monte Triana


Roman city located in the lower Guadalquivir, between Seville, Híspalis, and Alcalá del Río, Ilipa, in the current municipality of Santiponce, near the mining developments of Sierra Morena. Military and economic strategic enclave in the period of  the High Roman Empire. The evidence is that it came to cover an area of 52 hectares.

The origins of the archaeological complex of Itálica  date back to 206 BC. , during the Second War the general Publics Cornelius Scipio, entablished a detachment of legionaries on the hill of San Antonio by defeating the Carthaginias in the  Battle of Ilipa, In this hill there was  already a Turdetan population since the fourth century BC.